EALD/ESL News T3 Week 1


(English as an Additional Language / Dialect)

(English as a Second Language)

Welcome to term three! Hope you are all feeling recharged and refreshed after the holidays. During the holidays I enjoyed the extra time with my own children and we played many games together while travelling, after meals and during those rainy days. While games are a fun family experience away, they are also an excellent educational experience, to encourage time away from watching a screen, draw on language skills, problem-solving skills and social skills such as turn-taking and understanding that you can’t always win. We played a range of card games, board games and active games with sports equipment. When you are playing games together, think about how you can extend the language experience by using interesting vocabulary, full sentences and asking and responding to questions. This is a valuable experience for all families but especially for those families who also speak another language at home.

Benefits of Board Games for Children and their Families – Child Development Clinic

Our favourite games at the moment are Uno All Wild, Scattegories and Hedbandz. Even though the holidays are over, commit to continuing game time together as a family. I’ve tucked a deck of cards into my bag for the next time we are out at a café together or are in a waiting room. What’s your favourite game to play as a family?

Mrs Sasha Key
