EALD/ESL News Week 9

Can you believe it’s the end of term already? We’ve grown our confidence, built on our range of vocabulary, expanded our sentences and checked for accuracy. We’ve decoded words, read texts and discussed the story, characters and setting. We’ve sung songs, played games and used many books, cards and papers. We’ve responded to comprehension questions and shared our ideas. We’ve worked on maths concepts and problem-solving that require an understanding of worded questions. We’ve listened, spoken, read and written in Standard Australian English (SAE).  

 Eligible EALD students will also receive a Progress Map level on their report to track their progress. This gives extra information to teachers and parents as to a student’s progress with their SAE language skills. This is assigned collaboratively with the classroom teacher and myself. Years P-2 are assessed against the Early Childhood Maps and the Middle Childhood Maps for years 3-6.  

 Mrs Sasha Key 
