Talking Curriculum – Writing

Churchlands primary school students endeavour to be great writers!

Two resource programs we use to help develop our ideas and create purposeful and interesting texts are Seven Steps to Successful Writing and Talk for Writing.

In recent years we introduced Brightpath, a writing assessment tool, to help track students’ writing progress on both whole school and individual levels.

Last term the students participated in a whole school writing activity. Years K-1 completed a recount about Junior Sport/Cross Country, and years 2 – 6 wrote a narrative using a prompt called ‘The Shoe’. They had approximately 45 min to plan and write their stories – this is not a great deal of time and students are commended for their efforts.

Student work samples were selected by class teachers and displayed on our WAGOLL Wall (What A Good One Looks Like) in the library to celebrate and share their success. Although only a few were selected, there were many wonderful creative writing pieces produced.

Please enjoy some of the student writing samples attached. We look forward to seeing more creative writing this term!

“Sometimes if there’s a book you really want to read, you have to write it yourself”

– Ann Patchett

Tenshok, Year 1

Tara, Year 5

Tallulah, Year 3

Taksheel, Year 6

Sahaas, Pre-primary

Jeffery, Kindy

Jake, Year 3

Isabelle, Year 6

Ella, Year 4

Charlie, Year 5

Carol, Year 2

Aarvi, Year 4