Student Medical Information

Parent Information | Student Medical Information

Student Medical Information

It is essential for your child’s protection and ours, that we are fully aware of necessary treatment and medication requirements. Please ensure that all medical information is current and up to date on your child’s enrolment forms. Where severe medical conditions or allergic reactions exist, we ask that parents complete Health Care forms available from the school office as soon as possible.

Parents have a responsibility to inform school staff if:
  • A student is carrying medication to school, what form the medication takes e.g. Tablet, mixture, inhaler, and for what reason.
  • Any condition exists e.g. Asthma, allergic reaction to bee sting, which may require staff to take emergency action.
  • Any medication which may require school staff assistance.
  • There is a need for safe storage. Is the student carrying medication which may be a danger to other students?

All medication brought to school must be clearly labelled with the student’s name, drug’s name and strength. Where prescribed medication is necessary, instructions from prescribing doctor are required. If the student has medication to be administered at school, parents must contact an administrator accordingly and complete relevant documentation.

PEDICULOSIS – (Head Lice and/or Nits)

Parents are responsible for checking for head lice. Please advise the school if head lice are detected so other parents can be advised.  If a student is detected with head lice, parents will be contacted to collect your child immediately. It is advisable to check your child’s hair regularly.  Please notify the school if you find head lice and contact your local chemist for treatment advice.  The child may return to school after they have been treated.


A trained nursing sister visits the school periodically to carry out screening of Kindergarten and Pre-primary students, routine medical checks and special checks where students are referred by teachers. Parents may also request a special check if they are concerned about any area of their child’s health (e.g. hearing, sight, coordination etc)


Students at Churchlands Primary School access dental care at Yuluma Dental Therapy Centre located at Yuluma Primary School, 21 Ambrose Street, Innaloo. It should be noted that more than 70% of students across the state receive care at an off-site dental therapy centre. This centre can be contacted on 9446 8990.


The school has regular contact with a Psychologist. The Psychologist’s role is to assist students at educational risk including having academic, behavioural or emotional problems; Such students will have been referred by the class teacher, but consultation with parents will have taken place before any testing commences.


If there are any changes to your child’s medical condition or medication is to be administered at school, please present to the school office where you will be provided with the appropriate forms to complete.

To download the most up to date Action Plan forms please visit



We do ask that you please refrain from placing medication in your child’s school bag. All medication brought to school for example Ventolin, Panadol, Nurofen etc must come up to the office where the appropriate paperwork needs to be filled out.

As part of the Department’s Health Care Policy, you will be asked to complete a student health care summary form which provides an overview of your child’s health care needs and information for use in a medical emergency. This plan will enable the medication to be administered at school and ensure it is in a safe place where we can monitor and review regularly.

Your cooperation with this would be greatly appreciated. Should you have any further queries or questions please phone the school on 9253 9450.