English as another language or dialectCPS has a culturally diverse community and supports students who speak English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD). While students and classroom teachers can access the EALD specialist at school, a shared support approach is encouraged to maximise student progress and confidence. We value home language and recognise the benefits it has in supporting growth in English skills. One of the best strategies you can use with your children at home is to read and discuss with them. Allow them to read aloud to you in English, but use your home language to discuss the book/text in detail. Ask questions and discuss in detail. Please see the documents for translated support strategies and ideas from the Department of Education.

EALD News – Term 2 Week 5
EALD News Term 2 Week 5 2024 “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” ~Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis In a previous EALD newsletter article, I spoke of the benefits of reading every day with your child and...

EALD News – Term 2 Week 1
“Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible.” -Barack Obama One of the best things you can do with your child to help their progress is to read with them every day and talk about the stories they are reading. Encourage them to read...

EALD News – Term 1 Week 9
What a wonderful term it has been! Hope that the Year of the Dragon for the Lunar New Year has been positive and prosperous so far. Wishing everyone health, happiness and harmony for 2024. There has been lots to celebrate in our CALD (Culturally and Linguistically...

Harmony Week 25th – 28th March

Many of our families celebrated the New Lunar Year last weekend. We wish you a positive and prosperous Year of the Dragon. All the best for 2024! The animal for this year is the iconic dragon, which symbolizes power, prosperity, good fortune, honour and success. It...

EALD NEWS – English as an Additional Language or Dialect
Welcome to the 2024 school year! I hope that your holidays were a wonderful mix of adventure and relaxation, but most importantly quality time with your family. Churchlands Primary School is a culturally and linguistically diverse community. Our EALD program supports...

The summer holidays are in sight! Here are some ideas for what you can do to maintain your child’s English communication skills during the long break: Encourage your child to write and draw a holiday diary. Perhaps send a letter to someone. A new notebook or journal...

EALD News – Term 4 Week 7
Many members of our community recently celebrated Diwali. Monday 13th November signified the start of the Hindu New Year. Diwali is often called the Festival of Lights as it illuminates hearts and homes, spreading the message of friendship and togetherness. This is a...

EALD News – English as an Additional Language or Dialect
How were your holidays? What did you do during the break? What adventures did you have? Where did you travel to? Who did you visit? What did you eat? How did you feel? When we share information about something that has already happened, we communicate using the past...

EALD/ESL News (English as an Additional Language / Dialect) (English as a Second Language) The holidays are near and it’s a great opportunity to explore your local library for some new books. One of the most beneficial ways to support your child’s progress is to read...
EALD Resources
Kindergarten – Number activity ideas for home – Hindi
Kindergarten – Number activity ideas for home – Simplified Chinese
Kindergarten – Number activity ideas for home – Vietnamese
Kindergarten – Reading with your child is important – English
Kindergarten – Number activity ideas for home – Indonesian
Kindergarten – Number activity ideas for home – English
Kindergarten – Reading with your child is important! – Vietnamese
Kindergarten – Reading with your child is important! – Indonesian
Kindergarten – Reading with your child is important! – Hindi
Kindergarten – Reading with your child is important – Simplified Chinese