The Churchlands Way
Kindergarten to year 2 classes provide innovative and engaging curriculum programs reflecting the outcomes of the National Early Years Learning Framework and the standards outlined in National Quality Standard Framework for Early Childhood Education.
Community support of the school and its educational programs is excellent. The Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is a dynamic in its ability to raise funds to support innovation and school improvement. The School Board is an informed , proactive body overseeing the school’s Delivery and Performance Agreement and Business Plan. The Board membership includes parents and staff who are involved in making wide ranging decisions that impact positively on the school.
All classrooms are air conditioned, networked, have digital technology capabilities and common wet areas. The school has well maintaintained grounds with multi-purpose hard courts, an oval, undercover area and playgrounds.
The highly professional staff at Churchlands Primary School work collaboratively to improve outcomes, maintain high standards and celebrate success in an inclusive, caring school environment.

Confident, Independent Learners

Innovative and Engaging Curriculum - "The Churchlands Way"

Celebrated Diversity

Vibrant Specialists Arts Program
The school’s vibrant specialist Arts program includes; music, visual arts and drama. Instrumental music tuition for piano, clarinet, violin, cello and double base. The school choir ‘VOICE’, band ‘HOTNOTES’ and the string ensemble perform regularly at school assemblies and at external events. Students also engage in 120 minutes physical education per week and French is taught to year 3s as a second language.

Technology & S.T.E.A.M

“Our kids are really supported and enjoy the diversity of the Churchlands learning program.”
Susan Johnson