Respect, Resilience, Engage, Excel

Churchlands Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for over 550 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

Respect, Resilience, Engage, Excel

Churchlands Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for over 550 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

Respect, Resilience, Engage, Excel

Churchlands Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for over 550 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

Respect, Resilience, Engage, Excel

Churchlands Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for over 550 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

The Churchlands Way

Churchlands Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for over 550 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

Churchlands Primary School

Empower, Engage, Excel

Churchlands Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for over 550 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

Kindergarten enrolments are now open for 2025, limited spots available, get your application in today.

Quick Links

Quick tips on getting onto Audiri – our one-stop-shop for whole-school communication and notes.

Quick Calendar

Term 1 2024

Wed 31 January – Thur 28 March (9 weeks)

Term 2 2024

Mon 15 April – Fri 28 June (11 weeks)

Term 3 2024

Tue 16 July – Fri 20 Sept (10 weeks)

Term 4 2024

Tue 8 Oct – Thur 12 Dec (10 weeks)


Public Holidays 2024

Labour Day: Mon 4 March (Term 1, Week 6)

ANZAC Day: Thur 25 April (Term 2, Week 2)

WA Day: Mon 3 June (Term 2, Week 8)


Staff Development Days 2024

Term 1: Mon/Tue 29 & 30 Jan

Term 2: Friday 31 May

Term 3: Monday 15 July

Term 4: Monday 7 October


School Times
8.45am: Start of day
10.45 -11.05am: Recess
1.05-1.45pm: Lunch
3.00pm: End of day

Contact Us

SMS Attendance
0408 905 268

Education Security
If you notice suspicious behaviour on our school site call:
1800 177 777
9264 4632

School Principal
Kim Fraser

Cromarty Road,
Floreat WA 6014

08 9253 9450


Latest News

Sustainability News – Term 4 Week 7

Sustainability News – Term 4 Week 7

The new Eco Shed signs have been installed. These signs assist students in understanding the importance of composting, worm farms, and chickens. Thank you, Mrs Samsa, for winning the grant that has paid for the new signs. As you walk past the Eco Shed, take a look at...

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Chaplains Chat – Dealing with Negativity from Peers

Chaplains Chat – Dealing with Negativity from Peers

Towards the end of the term peer issues often increase as students get tired. Below are some concepts that you might find helpful if you need to support your child to deal with unkindness from other children:   BUZ bullyproofing The BUZ program identifies 5 options...

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PE News – Term 4 Week 7

PE News – Term 4 Week 7

Running Club   Only 2 weeks left for Running Club in 2024! The final session will be on Wednesday, December 4th (Week 9). Some students are getting closer to reaching their 50 km and 100 km milestones for the year. Keep showing up and giving your best effort!  For new...

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Library News – Term 4 Week 7

Library News – Term 4 Week 7

P&C Book Fair Success  A big shout-out to the P&C team for organizing our annual Book Fair! The event was a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together and support the love of reading, while also raising funds to enhance our library resources. ...

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Art News – Term 4 Week 5

Art News – Term 4 Week 5

What’s Happening in the Art Studio?  This term is rapidly moving along and in art class everyone is working towards finishing their artworks. All students will be taking their work home in their art folios for you to enjoy at the end of term.    Visual Art...

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PE News – Term 4 Week 5

PE News – Term 4 Week 5

Interschool Tennis – Year 3 & 4 – Friday 1 November  Congratulations to the 32 students from Years 3 and 4 who competed in the Interschool Tennis Competition at Wembley Downs Tennis Club on Friday, 1 November. The weather was perfect, and each student gave their...

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EALD News – Term 4 Week 5

EALD News – Term 4 Week 5

Recently, many in our community celebrated Diwali, which fell on Thursday, 31 October this year. Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali brings warmth and joy, highlighting themes of friendship and togetherness. It’s a special time for hope, sharing dreams and...

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Chaplains Chat – Dealing with Negativity from Peers

Chaplains Chat – E-Safety

Dear parents and caregivers,  I hope you are enjoying term four as the end of the year quickly approaches.  In week 4, I updated my training certificate in E-safety, mandated for my role. There are also valuable resources for families through this government...

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Art News – Term 4 Week 3

Art News – Term 4 Week 3

What is Happening in the art studio?  Wembley Downs Community Fair Saturday 26 October 2024  Thank you, Tammy Phillips, for taking over the management and lessons in the art room during week one this term while I spent valuable time with my family. Tammy’s enthusiasm...

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Sustainability News – Term 4 2024

Sustainability News – Term 4 2024

SUSTAINABILITY NEWS (Term 4 2024)  Churchlands Primary School was represented by Mr Johnson and Mrs Samsa at the WASTESORT annual seminar held on Tuesday 17th September at the Bendant Centre in Wembley.   Mrs Samsa presented an overview of our program to other...

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The Churchlands Way

Churchlands Primary School (CPS) is an Independent Public School catering for approximately 500 students from Kindergarten to year 6. Located in the leafy suburb of Floreat, approximately 7 kilometres north-west of the Perth CBD, it is a short walk from Churchlands Senior High School.

Kindergarten to year 2 classes provide innovative and engaging curriculum programs reflecting the outcomes of the National Early Years Learning Framework and the standards outlined in National Quality Standard Framework for Early Childhood Education.

Community support of the school and its educational programs is excellent. The Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is a dynamic in its ability to raise funds to support innovation and school improvement. The School Board is an informed , proactive body overseeing the school’s Delivery and Performance Agreement and Business Plan. The Board membership includes parents and staff who are involved in making wide ranging decisions that impact positively on the school.

All classrooms are air conditioned, networked, have digital technology capabilities and common wet areas. The school has well maintaintained grounds with multi-purpose hard courts, an oval, undercover area and playgrounds.

The highly professional staff at Churchlands Primary School work collaboratively to improve outcomes, maintain high standards and celebrate success in an inclusive, caring school environment.

Confident, Independent Learners

Teaching programs are designed to equip all students with the skills and knowledge to become confident, independent learners. A strong focus on literacy and numeracy along with opportunities for the academically talented, results in excellent progress and achievement. The school’s NAPLAN results are consistently well above like state and Australian averages. Many year 5 and 6 students benefit from external Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) programs which are supplemented by an enriched curriculum supported by digital and cooperative learning.

Innovative and Engaging Curriculum - "The Churchlands Way"

Teachers at CPS deliver innovative, diverse, challenging and differentiated curriculum across the school through evidence based instructional strategies and skills. Our learning program provides opportunities for our students to achieve their individual best in all areas of development. We cater for students in a variety of ways and focus on providing a curriculum that supports independent and inquiry learning and for students to be resilient and critical thinkers.

Celebrated Diversity

CPS celebrates its culturally diverse community. A significant number of students speak English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) and  they are supported by a qualified specialist teacher to effectively access the Western Australian curriculum. We believe that every child has the right to feel safe and supported in a secure, well maintained learning environment. The Bounceback program focuses students on building a strong and resilient community, ensuring the expectations of school community are upheld and recognising and rewarding them for their efforts.

Vibrant Specialists Arts Program

The school’s vibrant specialist Arts program includes; music, visual arts and drama. Instrumental music tuition for piano, clarinet, violin, cello and double base. The school choir ‘VOICE’, band ‘HOTNOTES’ and the string ensemble perform regularly at school assemblies and at external events. Students also engage in 120 minutes physical education per week and French is taught to year 3s as a second language.

Technology & S.T.E.A.M

At Churchlands Primary School  we have set our sights on becoming a regional leader in offering digitally leveraged learning across all curriculum areas as well as provide authentic and diverse experiences that allow our students to explore, learn and create while learning the new WA Digital Technologies Curriculum. Our students are well equipped with skills and knowledge that help them not only adapt to their future professional roles, but to thrive in their ever changing environment.


Churchlands Primary School has a proud history of developing environmentally aware students through it’s renowned Sustainability program. A pillar of this program, the  9R shed, offers student’s ‘hands-on’ experience in sustainability science. The integrated environmental program also includes an outdoor learning area focusing on recycling and sustainability with vegetable gardens, worm farms, composting, bush tucker and a frog habitat. In 2017 the school regained the Waste Wise Accreditation.

“Our kids are really supported and enjoy the diversity of the Churchlands learning program.”

Susan Johnson

Engaged Students

Passionate Teachers

Dedicated Support Staff

Years celebrated