ESL English as a Second Language

EALD English as an Additional Language or Dialect

One of the best things you can do with your child to help their progress is to read with them every day and talk about the stories they are reading. Encourage them to read the text in English, but ask them questions and discuss the story in your home language. Don’t feel rushed in reading a new book every night. The same story can be revisited and consolidated. This assists to build fluency and comprehension skills. If your child isn’t independently reading, read the story to them and ask about the pictures – what can they see and what is happening? Building vocabulary is very important!

EALD support sessions started this week. I will be working on Mondays and Tuesdays to support stage 1 and 2 eligible EALD students. Support is tailored to meet the student’s needs and encourages them to reach their potential. Some may need explicit small group instruction and support while others are checked and monitored during their class. Eligible students on our Semester One census will receive a note home. Make sure you regularly check school communication through Seesaw, this newsletter and the website. Click the Learning tab on the website and select EALD – you will see previous messages from me as well as some translated documents which may be helpful.

As always, happy reading! Mrs Sasha Key (Monday/Tuesday)