2023 Quairading Tree Planting Camp – Sustainability Team

Last weekend, beginning on Friday 28th July, the year 5 Environmental Officers and parent volunteers travelled to Quairading for an overnight camp. To help contribute and support National Tree Day, the main objective of the camp was to plant trees on salt affected farmland, 25 kilometres out of Quairading. CPS students and Mrs Samsa have been heading to Quairading for over 10 years. The Quairading community greatly appreciates our assistance and we love the country life experience.

Always the highlight of the year for our sustainability team, our campers arrived at school on Friday morning, packed, extremely excited, and ready for adventure! Over the course of the time in Quairading, the team managed to plant over a thousand trees, which is a fantastic result.

While planting trees was the main reason for the event, there were many other engaging learning experiences and activities along the way. Battling the typical blustery, wet winter weather of the Wheatbelt, students, teachers and parents helpers learned first hand about the affects of salinity, took in the golden canola fields, undertook a reflective morning mediation session and enjoyed many social and entertaining experiences. Check out some photos below.

Thank you to all who attended for contributing to such a worthy cause, and representing Churchlands PS with esteem. While it will truly be a memorable evnet for the students, thank you to the parents who volunteered as well – it could not work without you. All the fun and advneture could not happen with out the hard work of the organising and supervising staff, so finally a huge thank you goes out to our representing teachers and organisers, Mrs Osterberg, and Mrs Greyling who provided valuable support and assistance to the amazing Mrs Samsa. Well done team!