Three down, one to go!

A huge congratulations on the positive way the students and teachers (and parents) have tackled the NAPLAN season this year! While we still have one assessment to complete on Monday (along with a few catch-up sessions), the positive attitudes and willingness of our Churchlands students to relax, while applying their best efforts has been brilliant to see. Please commend your child/ren if they have sat the assessments so far this year and hopefully they can enjoy a good rest on the weekend before finishing strongly next week.

Just as a reminder, Monday morning will see our students in year 3 and 5 complete the Numeracy assessment. Please note that if your child has been away for any of the tests, catch-up sessions will be running in the mornings from Wednesday to Friday.


Luke Johnson

Deputy Principal

Parents of students in year 3 & 5, please read these important NAPLAN updates as they require action within the week.

  • The NAPLAN CPS testing timetable has been released, please find it below and note the days available for catchup sessions if required.
  • The CPS practice NAPLAN sessions will occur on Thursday, March 7. The practice test will consist of a selection of learning areas for the year 3 students and writing for the year 5 students but the purpose is to support students to become familiar with the platform, therefore, results will not be recorded or assessable.
  • Please ensure that your child’s iPad is in readiness for the test before Thursday. (
    • up-to-date iOS (iOS 17.3 or above),
    • up-to-date NAP Online browser app (NAP 2024),
    • working headphones,
    • keyboards if desired for year 5 students – there are also plenty of school provided keyboards available.

If there are any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Luke Johnson in the office.