Keen2STEAM 2024

On Friday 17 of May, CPS students from years 3-6 participated in the fourth annual Churchlands Network Keen2STEAM Challenge. This year bigger and better, the competition expanded to a whopping 11 schools. Churchlands joined peers from Doubleview, City Beach, Floreat Park, Kapinara, Rosalie, Sorrento, Subiaco, Wembley, Wembley Downs and Woodlands Primary Schools. This year’s event was agtain hosted at Churchlands Senior High School by CPS teachers Mrs Reid, Mrs. Morgan, and Mr Johnson. The aim was to promote student engagement in STEM subjects and introduce them to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and real-world issues.

Dr. Bruce Webber from the CSIRO STEM Professionals in Schools Program kicked off the day with an engaging presentation on “Species Survival: More than just sustainability (National Science Week Theme 2024)”. Following this, students embarked on four STEM-based challenges, each addressing a real-world problem related to the theme.

The Challenges:

Science: Students investigated the acidity of sea water and its effects on a thriving ocean ecosystem.

Technology: Students programmed Microbits to recieve information and locate the evasive Night Parrot in Western Australia’s northern deserts.

Engineering: Students planned and designed ways to reduce dwelling heating through effecient insulation and structure design.

Mathematics: Teams calculated many facts surrounding the negative impact cats have on our native species when allowed to roam.

In each challenge, students worked in teams of four to design and create solutions, with problem-solving, collaboration, and critical and creative thinking being key to success.

Throughout the day, students also engaged with high school STEM workshops, exploring various projects, including virtual reality and 3D printing products.

The day concluded with an exciting awards presentation, where CPS again performed strongly!


Years 3 & 4

  1. Doubleview
  2. Floreat Park
  3. Kapinara

Years 5 & 6

  1. Wembley
  2. Churchlands
  3. Rosalie


  1. Floreat Park 
  2. Wembley
  3. Churchlands 

Congratulations to all CPS students who participated! Their respect, resilience, and engagement ensured they excelled.

A huge special thanks to Mrs Reid and Mrs. Morgan for their incredible direction, dedication and attention to detail in designing and delivering the challenges. Also thank you to our ongoing partners at the CSIRO and Churchlands Senior High School. We are so very priviledged to have Dr Bruce Webber and Dr Grant Pusey’s expertise in the sustainability and STEM fields.

We are all ready looking forward to next year’s comp, where are aiming to invite 15 schools and continue our wonderful partnerships with Dr Bruce at the CSIRO, and Dr Grant at CSHS!

Mr Johnson