The Music Review T1 Wk3

VOICE Senior Choir, CPS String Orchestra and HOTNOTES Orchestra

Congratulations on a successful start to the musical year!  String Orchestra was held on Tuesday, VOICE Senior choir commenced yesterday with a COVID split rolling roster, and we are looking forward to HOTNOTES Orchestra commencing next Friday in a similar split manner – strings versus the rest of ‘em!

Mrs Carter, our IMSS violin and viola teacher is directing Churchlands PS String Orchestra on Tuesdays before school.

VOICE Senior Choir is being held on Thursdays before school, with a full cohort of 60 students from Years 5 and 6.

The roster for next week (Week 4/even weeks) is as follows:

Room 10 and 11 – before school at 8 am sharp – arrive as early as 7.45 am
Room 12 and 13 – 8.40- 9.10 am – arrive at 8.35 am sharp ready to roll in.

Don’t forget to organise your shirt from the uniform shop (Open Tuesdays before school) as well as your black pants and shoes.

And finally…. HOTNOTES Orchestra (42 members this year), is being held each Friday morning.

Members – please remember to organise your black pants, shoes and a long sleeve white button-up shirt.

HOTNOTES rehearsal Roster

Week 4 will commence with Flute and Clarinet, (Woodwind), Brass, Percussion (Drums and xylos too) at the 7.45 – 8.35 am slot. The String section will rehearse after assembly has finished for 30 minutes

Week 5 Strings will take the early slot of 7.45 am and, with no assembly, the other sections of the Orchestra will commence rehearsing at 8.35 am, so please arrive by 8.25 am and unpack in the Art room ready for a prompt cross over if you are woodwind, Brass or percussion

Music Team 2022

Meet the red hot team looking all fired up

Left to right Rosie, Mary, Ryleigh, Chloe, Amelia, Alysa

The Music Team has been learning how to set up and run the PA system, practising their musical skills, helping out starting up the ensembles, having fun with team-building exercises and generally trying to look like they own the music room!


Michael Howesmith – Music Specialist 

18 February 2022